
First Construction employees are a standout feature of this company and one of the main reasons for the company’s success. We embrace innovation and personalized customer service to meet the diverse needs of our employees, customers, subcontractors, and communities.

Each employee is critical to the ongoing growth and success of the company; therefore, it is our practice to select the most qualified personnel to fill any available position.

First Construction is an equal opportunity employer.

Four Ways to Apply.
  1. Apply Online:
    You can fill out our online form (see below).
  2. Email your application:
    Download the First Construction Application for Employment.
    Please include the title/type of position in the subject line.
    Send to
  3. Fax your application: (785) 830-8911
    Please submit your application with a cover letter stating the title/type of position you are looking for.
  4. Mail your application:
    First Construction LLC
    P.O. Box 1797
    Lawrence, KS 66044


First Name:
Last Name:


No. Street:
Zip Code:
Email Address:
Are you 18 years of age or older? Yes
If hired, can you provide written evidence that you are authorized to work in the U.S.? Yes


High School - Name/Location, Course of Study, # Years Completed, Degree/Diploma
College - Name/Location, Course of Study, # Years Completed, Degree/Diploma
Technical or Other - Name/Location, Course of Study, # Years Completed, Degree/Diploma

Employment Record

1. Company Name and Address, Kind of Work, Date: Started/Left, Rate of Pay, Reason for Leaving
2. Company Name and Address, Kind of Work, Date: Started/Left, Rate of Pay, Reason for Leaving
3. Company Name and Address, Kind of Work, Date: Started/Left, Rate of Pay, Reason for Leaving
4. Company Name and Address, Kind of Work, Date: Started/Left, Rate of Pay, Reason for Leaving

U.S. Military Service

Branch of Service:
Date of Service (from - to):
Rank and Type of Service:
Training/Experience Received:

References (Do Not Include Relatives)

1. Name/Occupation/Years Known/Address
2. Name/Occupation/Years Known/Address
3. Name/Occupation/Years Known/Address


Type of Work Desired:
Salary Desired:
What Days and Hours are you available to work?
How were you referred to our organization?
Do you have any relatives who are employed by this organization? Yes
Please Specify:
Is there any information we would need about your name, or use of another name, for us to be able to check your work record? Yes
Please Specify:
Please list any additional information that relates to your ability to perform the job for which you have applied such as licenses, professional memberships, hobbies, etc.

Applicant's Statement

I understand that the employer follows an "employment at will" policy, in that I or the employer may terminate my employment at any time, or for any reason consistent with applicable state or federal law; this "employment at will" policy cannot be changed verbally or in writing, unless the change is specifically authorized in writing by the chief operating officer of this organization. I understand that this application is not a contract of employment. 


I understand  that federal law prohibits the employment of unauthorized aliens; all persons hired must submit satisfactory proof of employment authorization and identity; failure to submit such proof will result in denial of employment. I understand that the employer will thoroughly investigate my work and personal history and verify all data given on this application, on related papers, and in interviews. 

I authorize all individuals, schools, and firms named therein, except my current employer if so noted, to provide any information requested about me, and I release them from all liability for damage in providing this information. I certify that all the statements herein are true and understand that any falsification or willful omission shall be sufficient cause for dismissal or refusal of employment.

Your Signature:
Attach Cover Letter:
Attach Resume: